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Level-3 Gurudwara and
Sikh Organizations Cost!

How this Level-3 program works:

You pay ($75/ea/mo X 250 FRCs) = $18,750/mo. USD to offer 250 "FREE Agency FRANCHISES" to your Sangat.  
(For product and training info. for your Sangat Franchisees, scroll down).

Then, as that sangat starts producing business, you will start making income from all the business, those 250 Franchisees generate.

Once they are fully functioning, then you can expect to make consistent income (as shown in the chart below).

You can purchase more Franchises whenever you like. You have 30 day cancellation period. Today's payment, pays for the 1st month, then you will be auto-billed $18,750/mo. This cost is: For accounting and your Gurudwara/ORG's commission processing charges, which will be billed to this account every 30 days.

The "Agency Franchise" is still FREE to your Sangat.


The PRODUCT is: To  create  videos
for the Advertising world!
This is the highest In-Demand Product

The "FREE Agency FRANCHISE" is still FREE to your Sangat.
AND is the

Your Sangat will
Join The 100,000 ++ Users Global family:

They will....

The SANGAT / Franchisee TRAINING includes:

  • Prospecting and HOW TO get clients for FREE, amazing 1 hour training, an approach that has proven time and again.

  • Scripts and Record-keeping Tool.

  • HOW & WHERE TO:  Create custom videos.
    Create them at: https://app.HVCAglobal.com/login

  • HOW & WHERE TO: Find the right kind of template for your customer's order.

  • HOW TO: Create LIVE Action videos and all other kind of videos. 

  • DISCOUNT CODES:  So you do not miss any sales, because of price issues.  We are committed to YOUR success.

  • Commissions are paid on 1st and 15 of every month after a 10 day waiting period via PayPal (no exceptions), so make sure you have a Paypal account  or  set-up at: Paypal.com.

  • More in our email communications with your Sangat